Saturday, March 13, 2021



(written 7/31/2014)


Something woke me once again

Changing the direction of destiny

Bending the path of a stream

Affecting the results of the toss


Without a question the winds rose

The clouds parted and the stars shone

As the ultimate one exhaled breath

Perfuming hope into fresh ideas


Then …


Stepping onto the magic carpet

Fear and doubt drifted below the opened door

Imagination deepened cultivating floral riches

In, amongst and slightly under the shadow


Not doubting the reality of the

Effectiveness and efficacy with which

Truth births and light marries darkness

I follow the omniscient whispers


All the while …


Cats are prowling and purring

While an owl calls in the dawn and

A fresh song of sweet blossoms

Wafts in under the dimming night


Another day is illuminated

Embracing barefooted perspectives

From the dewy grass

Now growing in a new direction


Carpe Diem