Saturday, May 30, 2015


“What?” Seriously, I was standing staring out my kitchen window at the rain (and all the beautiful green shades of nature), cup of tea in one hand, a strip of nice crispy bacon in the other when I noticed ‘them’ speaking to me … asking, “How many times were you burned at the stake before it ‘dawned on you’ that you needn’t be?”  Wow.  Alrighty then … my answer flitted through as, “As few as possible, I hope.”  And then, I saw myself during one of the times when that act was in progress and the warrior in me triumphed.  I knew that I knew that I knew that I could! And, I did … triumph, that is.

Eventually there are moments when the realization occurs that there are other options ... other realities … other ways to experience our lives.  Why not? Humans are designed with the ability to mature through and within each lifetime.  For me, I imagined the ‘fire’ as ferns being blown by the wind, and I walked away filled with gaiety.  Another time it was as downy feathers and I giggled because they tickled. I knew that my dragons/angels were at the ready to remove me from the peril (notice that I didn’t say ‘my’ peril – please avoid owning the emotional attachment to and the perceived reality of situations you find yourself in – that seemingly small word ‘my’ is like glue).  

So many things are at play here.  Maybe I acted as the victim long enough and finally got sick of it so I just quit (no longer attracting that scenario)!  Maybe I saw through the illusion and created a new experience in the midst of it all.  And/or, maybe I ‘just’ opened the door in front of me and walked through the doorway becoming the ‘I AM’ that I am, I am, I am … to name a few.  Cells in my body resonate with the sense of freedom those loosed bonds from other lives have signaled. The smell of the smoke awakens hope, strength and courage to move forward in this life.  I CAN play with fire if need be!

Now, ‘the fire’ might not look like flames rising from the timber these days, never-the-less the challenge might be quite similar.  Regardless, the opportunity to ‘become’ rides along the same pathway. As I awaken to the gifts of remembered lessons I endeavor to implement them accordingly.  I choose to contemplate those situations and things about myself that ‘burn’ me, see the ferns and feathers, and let myself (yes, allow myself) to be free … including the freedom and gratitude to take another go at it if I feel I could ‘take it up a notch’.

May the fires of this season’s solstice ignite new growth in all living beings and may we play with inflamed gusto!

Saturday, May 2, 2015


Thoughts traveling on breezes
tickling memories from
some … place that has
always been and forever will
be a part of the breath
that is

Sit up listening and aware
while engaging the art of
‘not listening’ in case
listening too hard
stops the act of hearing …
while the tickling continues

Friends from in between places
that have always been known
are communicating … towards us
or amongst themselves,
continuing conversations,
passions, loves and wisdom

Catch glimpses of the
white shadows they/we are
seeing the unseen that is see-able,
interpreting illusions of our own
impeccable ‘imaginated’ reality of
the embracing circumstances
that calls itself ‘our life’

Things pour out and
come together in ridiculous
patterns and waves so
making sense of it
becomes a sticky web
and in the distance
we see that the spider
… is coming.

Giving up the fear of ‘is’
and ‘is not’ of ‘what’
and ‘what not’,
how that looks or
might not look …
sprays lovely peanuts
on the path
for the elephant

What? Right! Exactly!